

As the world’s leading beverage producer, we are aware that we contribute to the packaging waste problem. We feel that it is our responsibility to help solve it. We also believe that every bottle has a value and may gain a second or even third life after its initial use; that's why, in recent years, we have started nationwide initiatives in Poland, such as:

Coca‑Cola wspiera walkę z zanieczyszczeniami plastikiem Coca‑Cola wspiera walkę z zanieczyszczeniami plastikiem


We believe that every bottle has a value and may gain a second or even third life after its initial use. We are setting an example to show that packaging waste should be collected and recycled to create new bottles or use them in a different, beneficial way.

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As part of the campaign carried out in collaboration with the Nasza Ziemia Foundation, 51 Polish municipalities with up to 50,000 residents received specially designed plastic waste containers. The containers were made from recycled materials. 

They contain infographics and information on everyday items which can be obtained from recycled plastic. It is important to note, the containers were placed in public spaces, such as public transport stops and recreational spots, to allow for waste segregation in these places. So far, the containers allowed for collecting over 200 tons of plastic, metal and multi-material waste.

W warszawie stanely recyklomaty ufundowane przez Coca-cola W warszawie stanely recyklomaty ufundowane przez Coca-cola


In July 2019, thanks to the cooperation between the Coca-Cola system and the Capital City of Warsaw and Nasza Ziemia Foundation, the first recyclomats for selective collection of packaging waste were placed in two Warsaw locations. 

The collected glass, plastic and aluminium are then re-used; the users of recyclomats receive eco-points, which they can then exchange for discounts at the partners of the action. Currently, up to 10 machines for recycling PET bottles, glass bottles and aluminium cans are located in different districts of Warsaw.



Our employees, the World Without Waste ambassadors, often organise local plogging initiatives and Clean Up the World initiatives, regularly engaging their families, friends and neighbours.