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Current Site: Poland + Baltics
Our sustainability journey so far:
Our sustainability strategy focuses on seven major areas: climate, packaging, water, ingredients, nutrition, people and communities, and biodiversity. It is underpinned by a set of external commitments known as Mission 2025, further amplified by commitments to achieve a Net Zero carbon footprint by 2040 and net positive biodiversity by 2040.
Most important is our track record in sustainability: for us it is critical to make sure our communities, stakeholders, consumers, customers and employees trust our promises and feel confident in Coca-Cola HBC running the business in the right way.
Our performance has been externally recognised by the highest scores from 10 major ESG benchmarkers, including Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), CDP and MSCI. We were once again ranked as the world’s most sustainable beverage company by the 2023 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (scores as of December 8, 2023).
We take pride in our achievements so far while remaining focused on opening up a more sustainable future. And we know there’s still work to do.
Since 2010 we reduced our end-to-end absolute total value chain emissions in scopes 1,2 and 3 by 44%, despite volume growth and global increase in emissions. This was made possible by our continued investment and determination to consistently implement our decarbonization plan.
Packaging is among our primary sustainability priorities playing a critical role in reducing emissions and waste. We believe every package has value and life beyond its initial use and that it should be collected and recycled into a new package or reused.
To achieve our commitment, we are leading industry efforts to introduce Deposit Return Schemes in our region. In 2022, Latvia launched its system joining Estonia and Lithuania, where such a solution has been in place since 2005 (Estonia) and 2015 (Lithuania). Well-designed DRS have a proven track record of delivering very high collection rates, typically over 90%.
In 2022, we made significant progress towards our packaging collection goal, delivering collection rate in the our region: in Estonia 87%, Latvia 77% and Lithuania 91%. Today every second PET bottle put on the Polish market goes for recycling. We hope for the same level in Poland when the deposit system will be fully in place.
As an active member of an industry coalition, we have been participating for years in the dialogue for an effective collection system in Poland to achieve packaging circularity.
For years, we have been making efforts to minimize our environmental impact by reducing the weight of our packaging - both consumer and secondary ones; and reducing production waste,
Today, 100% of our consumer packaging is recyclable,
Thanks to changes in the area of transport packaging, we have reduced the amount of plastic used by 136 tons, which translates into a 282-ton reduction in emissions,
we invest in innovations such as a cardboard holder for multi-packs of cans, which has replaced shrink film, and a new strengthened film for pallet wrapping, thanks to which we have reduced its consumption by 40%,
We also make sure that our production waste is recycled - currently 99.93% of waste from our plants in Poland and 96% in Varena (Lithuania) is recycled.
Through our flagship community programme #YouthEmpowered, we had trained in Poland & Baltics over 200 000 young people since its launch in 2017. As part of the initiative, we support them in their future career decisions and help them take their first steps in the labor market.
Through our flagship community programme #YouthEmpowered,
we had trained in Poland & Baltics over 200 000 young people since
its launch in 2017. As part of the initiative, we support them in theirfuture
career decisions and help them take their first steps in the labor market.
Water is not only part of Coca-Cola's portfolio, but also an essential raw material for the production of other beverages, so we take care of every drop of it. Our plants in Poland & Lithuania monitor water consumption in production processes on an ongoing basis and set reduction targets every year.
At the Radzymin plant, we have implemented an innovative project to close the water cycle. For the operation of cooling towers, instead of city water, we use treated wastewater from the plant's water treatment plant. As a result, we save up to 21,000 m3 of water per year, which means a reduction in city water consumption by as much as 38%.