The program supports the occupational inclusion process by offering participants the tools to increase their potential and opportunities in the labor market. In the first stage, workshops will be held in selected locations throughout Poland, giving participants the opportunity to develop skills useful both in their work and in their daily lives. In the next stage, the organizer wants to offer training to all those interested in the offer through an online e-learning platform, as well as the opportunity to work with mentors - Coca‑Cola HBC Poland employees.
The program, organised by Coca‑Cola HBC Polska, is implemented by a coalition of partners which includes non-governmental organisations: Fundacja Sempre a Frente, Stowarzyszenie Morena, Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Rozwoju i Pomocy Q Zmianom, Stowarzyszenie Semper Avanti and the Polish Red Cross. The program is organized under the auspices of The Polish Chamber of Commerce. The media patronage is provided by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.